Our School
Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Latest News
- Spring 1 Week 3
- A fabulous day of challenge and adventure
- Photo caption: Endeavour ‘assume la position de banane’
- As Geographers this week we have explored and investigated some of the amazing weather around the world by exploring videos and reading about cyclones, tornadoes, snow storms, hot deserts, floods and other incredible weather features.
- We have been immersed in the wonderful world of Pingu this week as part of our topic focus.
- The ambassadors will be encouraging the rest of the school community to use sustainable ways to get to school.
- Spring 1 Week 2
- Spring Term week 2
- Did you know the tsunami in March 2011 actually moved the entire country of Japan? Just one of many interesting facts we’ve learnt this week.
- It has been a little quieter this week and we have been missing our unwell friends. Our learning and explorations have continued, however.