School reopens Tuesday 3rd September 8.10am. See you then!

  1. Classes & Home Learning
  2. Explorers

Explorers are Year 5 & 6 classes.  Each day the children spend their mornings on Maths, English, Spelling & Handwriting before moving on to the wider curriculum in the afternoon.   Each Monday morning, Year 5  swim at the Rosenblatt Pool. Year 6 have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.  Each class spends time building emotional well being during weekly Circle Times and enjoy a block of time each term focusing in on RE.


Find out about our curriculum here.

Curriculum News

Explorers - Year 5 & 6

Further Articles »


Core Curriculum classes (Monday all day, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri am):

Darwin (Year 5) - Beth T

Discovery (Year 6)- Sereeta,

Endeavour (Year 6) - Laura H


Support staff - Andrew, Caitlin


Aegean - Laura T, Sam & Seb


Phase co-ordinator - Menna


Year 5 - Mondays

Year 6 - Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Coming up:

Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday


Week beginning 13th May - Year 6 SATs week



Home Learn

Topic Web

Yearly Plans