School reopens Tuesday 3rd September 8.10am. See you then!

  1. Classes & Home Learning
  2. The Islands

Children in Years 1 & 2 work in mixed age classes within Islands.  Each morning they work on Maths, phonics & English and have daily handwriting, and number facts sessions too.  Afternoons are spent exploring topics creatively,  taking part in PE, Music and spending time outdoors. Each class has a weekly Circle Time to develop and maintain healthy relationships in class and beyond.    RE is explored in blocks across the year - meaning we can immerse ourselves in the learning. 

Find out about our curriculum here.




Curriculum News

Islands Year 1 + 2

Further Articles »

Key Groups:


Fiji Islands - Lauren

Tahiti Islands - Zenith & Sandra

Sumatra Islands - Fiona and Althea


Training Teacher - Sam


PE is on Thursdays and Fridays

Forest School is on Wednesdays and Thursdays - please ensure your child has suitable warm clothing and wellies in school. 

Coming up:

See details of our next excursions here.


• • Parents Meetings 17th April 3-7pm
• Monday 22nd April – Oxford Song Workshop
• Monday 17th June – Didgeridoo Workshop
• Friday 28th June- Tie Dye T-shirt Afternoon
• Wednesday 3rd July – Royal Celebration
• Week Beginning 15th July – Transition Week.
• Friday 19th July – End of School Year 11:30am. 


Home Learn

Topic Web

Yearly Plans