Our School
Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Latest News
- Discovery are continuing to build on their addition and subtraction skills.
- Drop Everything And Read
- Wonderful penguin making in Coral Reef.
- In the nature area today we are doing weeding. We are learning which plants we need to remove and how to use the tools safely.
- In year 2 we have seen some fantastic home learning that has been completed over the last week.
- The Good Samartian
- This week we have begun to look at newspapers in year 2. We have been finding features and thinking about why we have headlines.
- RE on a Friday afternoon
- Working hard to practice our times tables.
- In year 2 this week we have been focusing on amounts of distance in maths. This has involved lots of measuring in metres and centimetres. In Taff today, we completed an investigation to answer: Do the tallest people have the biggest feet?