Our School
Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Latest News
- Friends of St Greg’s (PTA) begin the year with a teddy collection.
- This afternoon, with Fiona, we learnt all about how to brush our teeth properly.
- we are so lucky.
- We caught a visitor to our classroom on camera last night. We saw the video all together this afternoon.
- The rest of year 3 & 4 are enjoying trying their hand at sketching.
- We have recapped all our tables from last year and are now learning some new ones.
- This afternoon Laura T read us the story of ‘The Beautiful Oops’ all about turning mistakes into something beautiful. This week we will be making our own ‘oops’ and making them beautiful.
- This afternoon, we have been learning the story of creation in our first RE lesson.