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    3. Maths work for Endeavour

    Maths work for Endeavour

    18 March 2020 (by Beth Taylor (Beth))

    Following on from the work set yesterday here is the Kahoot quiz. This quiz closes at 3pm on Friday. All year 5 and 6 are welcome to give this quiz a go, even if they don't have the revision guide at home.

    Follow the link above to access the kahoot quiz following the completion of pages 36-37 of the revision guide.

    If the link doesn't work please go to or you can download the kahoot! app for free.

    Click on play in the top, right-hand corner and then enter this game pin: 0137116

    Please make sure your child's name appears correctly - no nicknames or screen names for quizzes completed at home, thank you.

    Do not worry about the leader board - after the quiz closes I can see exactly who answered what for each question and this is what matters, not how fast they can answer each one.

    An additional reminder that the answers to the questions in the guide are on pages 90-93, which the children can self-mark or you can mark with them.

    Thank you for your continued support.
