Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Explorers - Year 5 & 6
    3. Keeping Children Safe- Everything you need to know about child exploitation. A session run by Thames Valley Police.

    Keeping Children Safe- Everything you need to know about child exploitation. A session run by Thames Valley Police.

    25 June 2019 (by Hannah Forder-Ball (Hannah))

    Parents session 8th July 7.00pm - Conference Centre

    This event is an opportunity for TVP officers to meet with parents and carers of students from East Oxford’s primary schools to discuss contextual safeguarding and building resilience so that children are better equipped to make the right choices. Officers will present on the current crime stats in and around East Oxford and detail the part that TVP and families can jointly play, alongside the schools, in safeguarding young people and recognising existing and emerging vulnerabilities.

    TVP would like to arm parents and carers with vital information to support conversations at home and ensure that there is a consistent, joined up response between the home, the school and the police.

    The evening will include updates on the proactive work being undertaken across Oxford to assist with educating children and, importantly, will allow an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and meet with local officers and colleagues from across the city.