Joy Courage Justice

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    3. Community News: Stay true to you

    Community News: Stay true to you

    15 November 2024 (by Goncalo Silveiro (Goncalo))

    As a parent, carer or family member, do you wonder what is happening in your child’s life and worry about their safety, their ability to make the right choices for themselves?  

    Do you wish you knew more about some of the risks they may encounter, the influences they feel such as online harms or even exploitation by others?

    Do you want to help your child feel comfortable to talk to you or to another trusted adult if they don’t feel safe or have a concern?

    Join one of our free, online parent information sessions.  


    Run by the Ben Kinsella Trust, the leading national charity working to educate young people on the dangers of knife crime, the sessions are run by an expert trainer who has been working with parents across the country.


    We want to help all parents to understand the facts behind issues such as:

    Personal safety

    Knife crime


    Online harm and cyber-bullying

    Signs and symptoms that something is wrong

    How to have those challenging conversations

    Signposting to services that can help you and your children


    Each session is held online in a safe and welcoming environment with other parents, with the training helping to build your understanding while also giving time for discussion and questions.


    Registration is free – but must be completed in advance by clicking the link below:

    6.30pm – 8.30pm – Thursday 21 November 2024

    If you cannot make one of these dates but would like to be added to a wait-list as new dates become available, email