Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Explorers - Year 5 & 6
    3. Explorers Reflect and Review

    Explorers Reflect and Review

    8 November 2024 (by Beth Taylor (Beth))

    A great first few days back!

    As writers this week:

    Beagle have been looking at poetry, finding the features, and deepening our understanding of how imagery is created.

    Discovery have been completing experience days to support their understanding of the journey made to the summit of Mount Everest by Norgay and Hillary, looking at the characteristic features of the areas.

    Endeavour have been looking at the poems Never Have I Seen Volcanoes and Hope Is A Feather by Emily Dickinson, looking at the language used, the imagery depicted and developed performances of each of these.


    As mathematicians this week:

    Discovery have been securing their knowledge of division to be able to move onto long division next week.

    Beagle have been looking at smile multiplication – using each step to build up to multiplying and 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. Next week we will be working towards multiplying 2 digit number by a 2 digit number.

    Endeavour have been working on multiplication and division, multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10, 100, and 1000.


    In topic:

    Discovery have been artists, creating their own paintings, in blues and purples, based on the theme “Christ the Child – Peace on Earth”. These paintings are going to be used by

    Beagle and Aegean have been scientists, looking at states of matter. They explored the properties of solids, liquids and gases, looked at how the particles behave in each state, and categorised materials and objects.

    Endeavour have been historians, beginning to look at what the romans did for us, and looking the eruption on Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.



    Choir – this term we are running a temporary choir, as we have been asked to perform at a number of local events. Today, Beth T held a taster session and 51 children attended. There are 20 spaces. Each child was given a letter about the event on Thursday 5th December. These slips must be returned by Tuesday 12th November. We will confirm if your child has a place or not by Thursday 14th November.

    Parking – Please do not park on school site, unless you are a blue badge holder or have a St Frideswide’s parking permit. If parking on the roads surrounding the school, please make sure that you are not blocking either of the school gates, as both are used for access. Thank you.

    Friday 15th November – Children in Need – To support the charity day we will be doing Pennies for Pudsey. The children can wear Pudsey ears or other “Pudsey” accessories, bringing in pennies to donate to Children in Need.


    Home learning:

    Beagle – White Rose sheet, daily reading, Sumdog challenge (minimum of 1 hour across the week)

    Endeavour – White Rose weeks 6 and 7 (some children didn’t complete week 6 during the holidays so need to complete both), daily reading plus and Sumdog. 

    Discovery – sumdog challenge – four operations, Sumdog grammar practise, reading plus daily, white rose books will come home on Monday.