Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. The Pod - 0-3
    3. The Pod Reflect and review

    The Pod Reflect and review

    21 April 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Welcome to a new term. We are welcoming new families and returning families with new babies. This terms topic is 'Go wild' the topic book is Dear Zoo.

    The children have settled back into the routine of nursery. This week we have been reading the story of Dear Zoo and looking at the different animals in the story. We went on a mini beast hunt in the garden and found woodlice, slugs and spiders. 

    The children have made hand print elephants and used forks in paint to make lions. 

    We have sung lots of songs and rhymes about animals, the children are learning the actions.

    Next  week we will be busy with Earth day and looking at our environment.

    We hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend and we will see you all tomorrow.