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    1. News
    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    15 March 2024 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    The children have made the most of the rainy, wet weather. We coloured the puddles in our garden with powder pant and the children enjoyed splashing in them!

    In PE this week we became rabbits and practised moving in different ways in time to the music and created movements with a partner. We used our listening skills to follow the instructions to a 'Simon Says' movement game.

    Across the week we have been using our phonics knowledge to write sentences about the clay monsters we made, the children have had some fantastic ideas and the adults have supported them to compose a sentence orally that included their idea before writing it down. 

    In Drawing Club the children have been excited by the story animation 'Trap Door' Drawing pictures and writing about the main character Berk and of what they thought might be lurking under the trap door. 

    In Maths we have been continuing to practice our number bonds to 5, these are the two number friends that when added together make 5, for example 4+1 and 3+2. The children need to know these off by heart by the end of Reception so we ensuring they get lots of practise. We have also been counting in steps of 5 and learning about measuring length and time. 

    As artists we used chalk and oil pastels to do observational drawings of daffodils and blew coloured ink across paper with a straw to create a monster. These monster paintings will be displayed in our school art gallery! 

    As Musicians we identified the sounds different beaters made and explored making different sounds with our voices.

    Next week we will be having a history focus based on the book 'Once There Were Giants' We will be sharing our baby photos and thinking about our own past, how we have changed and thinking about what we want to do in the future. Thank you for sending us your baby photos if you haven’t done so already, please do so by Monday. We want to make sure every child has one. Send them to

    As artists we will be using water colours to create observational paintings of spring flowers. We will be looking at light and dark and exploring shadows created by torches and lamps shone on different objects and drawing them. 

    As scientists we will be investigating trees.

    We will be having an Easter Bonnet (hat) Parade- Thursday 28th March. All children in Anemones, Coral Reef and Islands will participate in the Easter Bonnet Parade to showcase their bonnets. 

    We would like all children to create their Easter Hat at home.  You can buy Easter Hats and craft bits from Shops such as Poundland and Asda.

    Please can all Easter Bonnets( hats)  be in school on Wednesday 26th March, all bonnets will be judged in the afternoon by our school ambassadors for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in each group. ALL children will receive a chocolate treat for participating. 

    All parents are invited to watch our parade- we ask that you arrive at the Coral Reef entrance at 10:45am where an adult will guide you to stand around the playground. We ask that you remain standing around the outside until an adult has called you to collect your child at the very end. To ensure the children remain safe, we will encourage them to stay with their class and not come to you during the parade. The gate will be locked once all children are inside the playground so any late parents unfortunately will not be allowed in to ensure we keep the children safe. 

    All belongings will be sent home with the children on Wednesday and therefore we ask that you do not send your child into school on Thursday 28th March with any belongings as they will not come back inside and will go home from the playground.

    See you all next week 

    Helen, Courtney, Stacey and Laura