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    Anemones Weekly Reflect and Review

    8 March 2024 (by Lisa Brown (LisaB))

    World Book Day was a great success with the children enjoying a wide range of storytelling activities, from the Rainbow Fish in the water beads to the Hungry Caterpillar crowns, it was all great fun!

    In phonics we have continued to learn about rhyme as we share books that have rhymes in them for the children to repeat. The Gruffalo, The Superworm and We are going on a bear hunt, have been some of our favourite stories this week, and as it was World Book Day we have been focused on storytelling. I wonder what your favourite book is?

    In maths we have learnt about 2D shapes and have been on a shape hunt in the garden to find a range of shapes. We have talked about the properties of different shapes and made connections with the natural environment such as seeing the sun as a circle or the windows as rectangles. Maybe you could try this at home over the weekend!

    In topic we have continued to be garden explorers as we started to plant bulbs ready for the spring. It was hard work as the children were digging, planting, watering and transporting throughout the week. We are hoping our garden will look more colourful as the flowers begin to grow.

    We also thought about Mother’s Day and those who we love who help us at home. The children have been focused on kindness and how our kind acts make others feel. The children made special cards to take home as they shared the love and kindness. We also talked about what kind things we do to help others and how this makes us feel. We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy your time together. We will see you back for another fun and busy week on Monday.