School reopens Tuesday 3rd September 8.10am. See you then!

    1. News
    2. Islands Year 1 + 2
    3. Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    Islands Weekly Reflect and Review

    1 March 2024 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren))

    This week as designers we began to look at how we could design our own wind-powered mail car.

    We thought about what we needed and specifically looked at wheels, axles and chassis’. We practised making wheel and axle mechanisms in lots of different ways. We tested different chassis’ without being assembled to an axle and wheels and we explored what happened when the axle and the chassis were not assembled well.

    Next week we will continue to explore wheels, axles and chassis’ and make our own wind-powered mail car, with the purpose of carrying mail without using any fuel and support people who want to cut down on harmful gases. 

    All children will be provided with the dowels and wheels needed to make their mail car. Please could we ask that you send in as much of your recycling as possible to ensure there is enough materials for each child in islands. 

    Dates for your diary- 

    World Book Day Thursday 7th March - 

    This Thursday is World Book Day, and we're turning it into a cosy and enchanting event for the children. To make the day extra special, we invite all the children to come to school wearing their favourite pyjamas!

    Throughout the day, the children will take part in a series of story sessions to ignite their imagination and love for reading. The children will have the chance to dive into the enchanting world of stories, surrounded by the comfort of their pyjamas.

    We encourage you to send your child dressed in their cosiest pyjamas, ensuring they are ready for a day filled with tales, giggles, and the joy of shared stories.

    Let's make World Book Day a day to remember!

    Wednesday 13th March - Postal Museum in London- please ensure you have returned payment and informed us if your child will need a school packed lunch. All payments due by Monday 4th March. Please speak to Lauren if you have any questions.

    Easter Bonnet Parade- Thursday 28th March. All children in Coral Reef and Islands will participate in the Easter Bonnet Parade to showcase their bonnets. All parents will be invited to watch the parade, more details to follow next term.

    White Rose Maths:

    Year 1- 68, 69 and 70

    Year 2- 61, 62 and 63

    Have a lovely weekend, 

    Islands team.