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    2. Anemones Weekly Reflect and review

    Anemones Weekly Reflect and review

    19 January 2024 (by Lisa Brown (LisaB))

    “We are all super heroes because we all share the super power of kindness! “

    It has been another cold but busy week for the Anemones class. We have been investigating ice in the garden and been making marks using the ice and paints. The children have continued to think about healthy eating as they saved the veggies form the ‘evil pea’. The children have practised their cutting skills and made beautiful vegetable print pictures. We also focused on colours and colour mixing, making our own new shades of colour. Messy but fun!

    In phonics the children have been using musical instruments to match pitch and follow the melody, listening attentively as they express their feelings and responses using the instruments they chose. The children also took turns being the ‘musical leader’ as the other children followed their movements

    In maths we have been using positional language, placing the superheroes in different places on the bridge so that the heroes can protect us! The children though about the position of the object, following instructions as they placed it in a given position.

    We have also been thinking about the real superheroes! If you are out and about and spot a real hero over the weekend, please send us in a photo! We have been thinking about police officers and firefighters this week, next week we are thinking about doctors, nurses and paramedics.

    Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday, all wrapped up.