Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    8 December 2023 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    Jesus Christmas Party Nativity dress rehearsal performance for Anemones and Islands class was incredible today! Thank you for providing all of the wonderful costumes!

    We have spent time each day this week rehearsing in our school hall spaces in the correct positions and the teachers have been so proud of the children’s confidence and performance skills! The children really enjoyed performing in their costumes today. We are so excited for you to watch the performance on Monday at 12.30 at Somerville College Chapel. 
    In other news the children have been thinking about the story The Rascally Cake - a story about a gruesome Christmas cake that comes alive and the children have drawn some fantastic illustrations and magic marks when drawing their own rascally cakes and thinking about where the cake might have ended up living!
    On Thursday the children made their own mini Christmas cakes- these ones we hope, will be delicious and not gruesome at all! Next week the children will decorate them and bring them home to share with you over Christmas. 
    In our PE dance session the children moved like flying reindeer as they thought about the famous Christmas poem The Night Before Christmas. 
    We started our book Advent this week and each day a child is chosen to select and open a wrapped book with that day’s number, we then enjoy a lovely Christmas story time together. 
    We have also set up a kindness Christmas tree and children are able to add a Christmas bauble on the tree if they are showing kindness to others. 
    Next week as well as our big performance, we will be making some Christmas crafts to bring home. We will be revisiting the Nativity story and thinking about why Christian’s celebrate Christmas. We will be enjoying Christmas Dinner on Wednesday and on Thursday we are off to Pegasus Theatre to watch ‘The Lightbulb Princess’ if you are able to join us please let us know! 
    Please check the calendar on School Jotter as each day next week and our last school day, there is a festive dressing up theme if you would like your child to take part.