Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Explorers - Year 5 & 6
    3. Explorers reflect and review

    Explorers reflect and review

    8 December 2023 (by Beth Taylor (Beth))

    A week full of fractions, newspaper articles, maps and concert rehearsals.

    This week in Explorers we have worked hard on fractions in Maths. We have been using our knowledge of finding equivalent fractions to support the solving of a range of calculations.

    In English, we have completed our newspaper articles, based on the fire in chapter 17 of 1000 year old boy. We included lots of the techniques we have been practising that are specific to newspaper articles and wrote our own, setting them out in the style of a printed newspaper.

    As Geographers this week we have been looking at maps, we have looked at different types of maps, how and when to use them, and have even created our own.

    One of our main focuses this week has been the final preparations for our performance on Tuesday. Today’s dress rehearsal went incredibly well and we can’t wait to share our musical creations with you.

    Next week:

    During the final full week of term we are being theologians, looking at the question “Is ‘God made man’ a good way to understand the Christmas story?” We will be looking at the reports in the 4 Gospels that refer to Jesus’ birth and how this affects what Christians believe.

    On Monday, year 5 are going to Magdalen College School straight after swimming for a special careers event. Please refer to the letter sent out for all information regarding this.

    Tuesday is our performance at St John the Evangelist Church on Iffley Road. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. Doors open at 1:15pm with the performance starting at 1:30pm. The concert will last for about 40 minutes.

    Next week is also Christmas Spirit week here at St Frideswide’s, with a different theme each day. 

    Monday 11th: Christmas Jumpers

    Tuesday 12th: smartest school uniform (we want to look our best for the concert, representing the school)

    Wednesday 13th: Christmas socks, and Christmas lunch

    Thursday 14th: Sparkle and shine

    Friday 15th: Christmas hair!

    Next week the teachers will be booking in parents evening slots for Wednesday 10th January. Please see your child’s teacher at the end of the school day to book a slot. We will be running this parents evening both in person and zoom. Please let us know when booking how you would like to attend. Thank you.