Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Anemones Weekly Reflect and review

    Anemones Weekly Reflect and review

    8 December 2023 (by Lisa Brown (LisaB))

    Thank you to everyone who came and joined our Christmas Stay and Play event. The children sang beautifully and fun was had by all.

    This week the children have been busy making their Christmas calendars, cards and decorations. We have enjoyed singing to everyone and worked hard to practise our songs and their actions. We have been thinking about the ways we can spread joy by being ourselves; using our manners, smiling at people, being kind and giving compliments. We have also begun to think oboist feelings and emotions and how others feel when we do things that spread joy.

    On Wednesday morning we had a treat of oranges and chocolate coins left for us to celebrate St Nicholas. The children arrived to school full of excitement to find there were treats to enjoy!

    In phonics we have continued to develop our listening skills using instruments and have played instrumental games. 

    In maths we have been looking for patterns within the environment and had a go at making our own!

    We have also been practising learning to recognise our name and are beginning to form the letters of our name using our name cards. Perhaps you could practise this at home over the weekend! 

    We hope you all have a lovely weekend and will see you all on Monday with your indoor shoes!