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    3. Reflect and review Wk 6/11/23 Owls

    Reflect and review Wk 6/11/23 Owls

    17 November 2023 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    This week it was all about owls.

    The children have enjoyed reading the story of 'Owl Babies' and retelling the story using the puppets and the natural materials in the tuff tray. This is is has helped extend the children's listening skills, concentration and spoken language.

    They have made fork printing interpretations of their own owls this helping to build on their motor development and pencil control. We made trees for the owls to live in using leaves that we had collected and gathered in the garden. We discussed how the wind had blown them off the trees and all the different colours they were. 

    On Friday we made Poppy pictures using apples and finger prints.

    Next week we are looking at hedgehogs and Diwali.

    Have a great weekend.