Joy Courage Justice

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    3. The pod weekly reflect and review

    The pod weekly reflect and review

    3 November 2023 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Welcome back to our first week, and a special welcome to our new families and children. What a busy week its been. This term's topic is sparkle and shine.

    The children have had a really positive start to the term. We have been looking at our Golden Rules and how we can implement these and how they make us and others feel.

    The children have been investigating and exploring the Halloween and Autumn activities, spooky playdough, sensory play using natural objects. The children made firework biscuits and used toothbrushes and straws to make firework painting's. We talked about all the different colours and noises the fireworks bring and how we stay safe. 

    The children have continued to practise their fine motor skills using paint brushes, forks, straws and tweezers. The children have painted the pumpkins, decorated their own fireworks biscuits and enjoyed watching the science experiment with 'water fireworks' food colouring droplets falling down in a mixture of oil and water. 

    Outside the children have explored their own activities climbing up on the hills and sliding down, riding bikes or scooters, making sandcastle, balancing on logs throwing and catching balls as they continue to develop their gross motor skills. Much fun was had splashing in the puddles and dancing in the rain.

    Please can we remind you to bring in wellington boots for the children as everyone loves to puddle jump.

    We wish you all a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week, when we will be looking at night time animals and remembrance.