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    3. Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef Reflect and Review

    3 November 2023 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    What a brilliant start to the new term we have had, the children have returned rested and ready to learn. This week our book focus has been the wonderful story 'Room on the Broom'.

    In our Drawing club sessions the children have learnt some new and exciting vocabulary linked to the 'Room on the Broom story such as 'swoop', 'fiery' and 'horrible' and they have enjoyed saying the words with actions. The children drew pictures of the dragon character, designed a new broomstick and drew pictures of other animals who might like to ride on the broomstick.

    We also thought about the story during our P.E. session on Monday and the children performed dance movements on a pretend broomstick, moving up and down and in and out of spaces. We will continue to build on these movements next week as we create firework dances.

    In Music we learnt a new song called 'Witch, Witch and we played a circle game as we sang the song. Some of the children who took the role of the witch were brave and performed some solo singing. I wonder if your child can remember the song?

    As it is Bonfire/Fireworks Night this weekend we have been helping the children to learn about firework safety and how we can keep ourselves safe if we go to see fireworks with our family or have fireworks at home. As Historians we also learnt about who Guy Fawkes was and why he is linked to Bonfire Night.

    During our 'Plan and Do' times the children have enjoyed making potions and role-playing in our 'Witch's Kitchen' as well as making potions in our water tray. The children have also been exploring pumpkins by making them out of playdough, drawing them using their observational skills and scooping out the seeds. The children even learnt a poem about pumpkins, perhaps they can retell it to you at home! 

    Next week our story focus is 'What's in the Witches Kitchen' and we will be learning a poem called 'Pointy Hat'.

    As artists we will be creating firework pictures and as Historians we will be learning about Remembrance and the significance of poppies at this time of year as well as creating poppy pictures using a range of materials. 

    Don’t forget that it is our open day on Saturday 25th November 9am-11am, we would love for you to come and it’s a great opportunity for the children to show off their classroom and their learning.


    Have a great weekend and we hope you get to see some fireworks!


    The Coral Reef Team