Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Explorers - Year 5 & 6
    3. Explorers reflect and review

    Explorers reflect and review

    25 September 2023 (by Beth Taylor (Beth))

    Last week:

    Last week we had a great week working on our new art project, WWII themed art. We looked at a range of sketches and watercolours that were created during WWII. We thought about the choices the artist made to develop the detail and colour choices, creating the emphasis about the realities of what the soldiers experienced. We have been developing our skills in order to create our own versions next week.

    We have come to the end of our English unit, Goodnight Mr Tom, writing our own stories of an evacuee, based on the book and what we have learnt in our topic lessons and on our trip to Buscot.

    In Maths, Scott has moved on to the four operations, while Shackleton and Cook continued work on place value. We will all be onto four operations this week.

    In Spanish we have been developing how to say the date, using our knowledge of numbers and learning the days and months. 

    This week:

    This week we are continuing with our art project, creating our own pieces of art demonstrating life during WWII.

    In English we are moving on to diary entries looking at those of Anne Frank, looking carefully at her writing style whilst also learning about what life was like for the Jewish community in Nazi occupied countries during WWII.

    In Music, we are writing our own songs with Oxford Song (previously Oxford Leider). On Thursday, we will be meeting with John, who is a published author and poet, to develop our lyrics. 


    Our focus with home learning is Maths and English, with topic as optional extra. Please make sure that your child is completing the spellings and maths pages in their provided books each week, along with accessing reading buddy and sumdog regularly.


    It has been noticed that a large number of Explorers children are not in the classroom, ready to learn, when school starts at 8:20am. The gates open at 8:10am with lessons beginning as soon as the register is taken at 8:20am. By being just 12 minutes late each day your child looses an hour of learning a week. Please support your child's learning by making sure that they are in school on time each day. Thank you for your co-operation in this.