Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Oceans weekly reflect and review

    Oceans weekly reflect and review

    22 September 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    We’ve been travelling through time this week, learning about Bronze Age life where we learnt about Bronze Age casting and embossing and had a go at embossing our own metal (foil) crown.

     In our writing workshop this week, we explained how life changed from the Stone Age changed with the discovery of metals and we'll be investigating life in the Iron Age next week. In computing we've been thinking about internet safety, discussing who we should share information with and what information we should keep private. We’ve continued with our sentence stacking, exploring the writing technique of exaggeration and how holiday brochures can use exaggeration to entice readers. In maths we’ve been continuing with place value, investigating flexible partitioning, adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from numbers.

    Next week we’ll be focusing on using numberlines to compare and order numbers up to 1,000 and 10,000 whilst in English we'll be finishing off our unit exploring the Skara Brae holiday brochure before we begin to write our own holiday brochures. 

    Thank you to everyone who had supported their child to complete their home learning - the children have been sharing their topic work, celebrating their learning from at home and presenting it to the class.

    Please make sure that your child has their completed maths workbooks in school on Wednesday so we can mark them with the children - the most valuable form of feedback. We have put a sticker in their maths workbook - we're now on week 3. 

    We will be running a parent workshop on Thursday 5th October at 2:50 in the conference room to go through the expectations of year 3 and 4. 

    Have a lovely weekend,

    The Oceans Team