Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Islands Year 1 + 2
    3. Special Places

    Special Places

    10 July 2023 (by Lauren Arbour (Lauren))

    In RE this afternoon, Islands have been exploring Judaism and why synagogues are so important to Jewish people. We have explored what special places we each visit and what similarities and differences we have in all the faiths and beliefs we share in our classroom. 

    In plan and do provision this afternoon, the children were set the challenge to build or create a special place. They have been respectful to each others beliefs and views, listening intently and asking questions to deepen their understanding of their peers. 

    Please send any pictures you have of your family visiting special places of worship or somewhere your family visits that is special to your family for a different reason. We would love to share a variety of places in class this week.