Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Oceans Weekly Reflect and Review

    Oceans Weekly Reflect and Review

    23 June 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    Another busy week in Oceans

    Whilst not as busy as last week, we've still been super busy in Oceans this week! We've been busy thinking about some famous Black Tudors and thinking about why they were important whilst practicing our sketching skills. In English, we've continued writing our biographies about David Attendborough and learning how to use a range of similes and plant based metaphors. The children in Pacific have visited the Bodleian Library and created their own prints and several children have taken part in a Lacrosse tournament!

    Sadly, we've had to say goodbye to our wonderful students Minty and Rachael and we wish them all the best in the future!

    Next week we'll continuing be writing autobiographies, continuing to learn about Black Tudors, and explore sewing our own seascapes. 

    Stay safe in the sun over the weekend!

    The Oceans team.