Joy Courage Justice

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    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Oceans Weekly Reflect and Review

    Oceans Weekly Reflect and Review

    16 June 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    A jam packed, exciting week was had by all!

    We've had the busiest week of the year (the children reckon) - Pacific had the author Patience Agbabi and Nick from the Bodleian visit on Tuesday, 12 children competed in the Quad Kids tournament, Katie from Oxford County Music Service visited us on Wednesday for our AMAZING folk workshop and the Year 5s visited Somerville on Wednesday and Thursday! It has been very busy! 

    The children have coped remarkably well with the heat, with only a couple of lost water bottles and tempers not too frayed. It should be cooler next week which we're all looking forward to. 

    Next week, it's international refugee week and we'll be thinking about what we can do to help. We'll be continuing our collaborative work in topic about Black Tudors, learning about some famous Black Tudors and why they are famous. We'll be asking some difficult questions as we think about how society has changed and what we can do to ensure our society is just and fair. 

    If your child goes swimming, you will have recieved and email as next week is Drowning Prevention Week and as well as their swimming kit, the children will also need light pyjamas or leggings and t-shirts. All-in-ones / onesies are not appropriate. 

    We hope you have a wonderful weekend and have enjoyed all the exciting things that have happened this week!

    The Oceans Team