Joy Courage Justice

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    2. The Pod - 0-3
    3. Sunny days!

    Sunny days!

    26 May 2023 (by Katalin Nagyne (katalin))

    What a beautiful, sunny week we have had! The children have been enjoying the warm weather as they explored the garden. We had great fun in the mud kitchen; making tea and cakes, creating nature bracelets and mixing mud pies as well as making Lisa a wonderful Moana head band from grass and flowers! 
    In maths we have been thinking about patterns, looking for patterns in the environment and using different resources to create our own patterns.
    In phonics we have been sharing stories and exploring the great outdoors as we extended our story telling skills to be able to go on new adventures; on a bear hunt, into the woods, climbing the castle tower and looking for bugs. 
    It has been another busy week and we hope you all have a lovely half term break. We will see you back after half term.