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    3. Coral Reef weekly reflect and review

    Coral Reef weekly reflect and review

    19 May 2023 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    I think the children would agree that the highlight this week was visiting the ice cream shop, helping to make some and eating it. Next week in our science session we will be finding out if we can make our own ice cream!

    We started a new non fiction book as part of our write stuff sessions called 'If Sharks Disappeared' and the children have been writing some non fiction describing sentences about healthy and unhealthy oceans. 

    In our topic we have been finding out about plastic pollution, how this affects the ocean and the the creatures that live there. We have been talking about some of the ways in which we can reduce our use of plastics to help to protect our world. We created some art using recycled plastic. 

    Our drawing club sessions have been based on the story book 'The Odd Fish' I wonder if your child can tell you what the odd fish was? 

    We have been learning how to make paper boats and see if they can float- perhaps you could make one at home! 

    As part of our circle time and Mental Health Awareness week we thought about how we can keep our brains healthy. We listened to the story 'The Huge Bag of Worries' and thought about things we might worry about. We discussed strategies to help us manage our worries for example doing things that make us smile and we drew smiley pictures of ourselves 

    Next week we will be looking at stories from different religions as part of our RE learning and of course making Ice Cream! We will be continuing to write non fiction sentences through our Write Stuff sessions.

    Don't forget that PE is on Monday- all children must come to school wearing their PE kit. 

    Have a great weekend