Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Ocean's weekly reflect and review

    Ocean's weekly reflect and review

    12 May 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    We've had a global week in Oceans this week, we've been busy exploring where our clothes and food come from.

    During the week we've been thinking about justice and how global trade works, finishing the week by thinking about how we can support justice around the world by trying to buy fair trade where possible. Did you know Lidl have a fair trade chocolate range? Just look out for the logo!

    We're half way through writing our own tragedgy stories and can't wait to finish and share them. In Maths, we'll begin looking at money next week - please get your child to raid their piggy banks if they have one and find out how much change they have!

    On Tuesday we'll be going to the Cutty Sark in London. The coach will be leaving at 7:30, the doors will open at 7:15 so children can go to the toilet and begin to board the coaches. Children will be told which coach they will be on on Monday afternoon so please look out for a label with details. We aim to return for 4:30 but as always, will keep you updated via school jotter.

    You should have recieved a letter with your child today with information about the classes after half term. All children in Year 3 and 4 will remain in the Oceans phase when Year 5 join us. Please speak with us at the end of the day if you have any questions. 

    We hope you have a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to next week!

    The Oceans Team