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    2. The Pod - 0-3
    3. The Pod Reflect and Review

    The Pod Reflect and Review

    12 May 2023 (by Katalin Nagyne (katalin))

    This week the children have shared their experiences of celebrating the coronation last weekend and have enjoyed making their own jam sandwiches, yummy!
    In maths we have continued to focus on making patterns and have thought about patterns in the wider environment, noticing new patterns and arranging items to create our own. 
    As part of our transport topic the children have used a range of fine motor skills to make their hot air balloons and have spoken about the places they would like to visit around the world if they were able to go in a real hot air balloon!
    As part of our reading the Nursery Class have now started their Guided Reading sessions which are going very well. We look at books together and share our thoughts. This week we went on an adventure with Tizzy the tiger!
    Throughout the week we have enjoyed puddle jumping in the rain and sitting in the sun! Please can we ask that you sun cream your child before school so they are protected throughout the day, just in case the sun likes to shine!
    Thank you to those who have returned their farm slips and money, we know it will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to enjoy the farm animals up close. If your child attends nursery on a Monday or you would like to bring your child to experience the farm together, please send the forms back and we will book you a place, although spaces are filling fast so please get them in as soon as possible. Thank you.
    Have a lovely weekend and we will see you Monday.