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    3. EFT Tapping Drop In Sessions to support wellbeing in school

    EFT Tapping Drop In Sessions to support wellbeing in school

    4 May 2023 (by admin)

    EFT is a practical self-help method that involves using the fingers to gently tap on the body's acupuncture points.

    This year we have welcomed Jo Elliott, a Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner, into school.  

    Jo is passionate about teaching EFT to children and young people, and supporting them to overcome obstacles they face. So far she’s been working with our Year 6 children as they prepare for their SATs and they have found this really beneficial.  

    We are now working with Jo to extend the opportunity to any child in year 3,4,5 or 6 who would like to “tap” on a particular issue or feeling by offering Tuesday drop-in sessions.  Children will be invited to sign up for a short session with Jo.   The sessions will be confidential however, as is standard practice, if Jo has any concerns about the welfare of any of the children she will share them with our safeguarding team.  

    You can find out more about EFT in this video, let us know if you would like to know more!

    Please let us know if you do not give permission for your child to sign up to attend Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) sessions in school.

    EFT is a practical self-help method that involves using the fingers to gently tap on the body's acupuncture points. EFT tapping can be used for anxiety, pain, stress and many other issues. It helps us tune in to the negative patterns that we form around our uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or troubling memories. We ‘tap’ on the correct pressure points while bringing the thoughts or emotions into consciousness. The aim is to find relief, relaxation, and promote healing around the emotional or physical issues that hold us back." (EFT International 2022).