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    3. Coral Reef weekly Reflect and Review

    Coral Reef weekly Reflect and Review

    28 April 2023 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    The children were fascinated by the real fish we had in class. The children had lots of questions about where they had come from and how they had died. They painted them and made prints of them.

    The children have also enjoyed learning how to use our under water camera and some of the children used the camera in our water tray, we will continue to use the camera in the coming weeks to take more under water photos. 
    In our Write Stuff sessions the children have worked really hard on writing sentences linked to the Rainbow Fish story and some children have begun to think of their own exciting vocabulary to include in their sentences. 
    In maths we have continued to practise recalling our number bonds to ten using Numicon tiles as a visual support. We have learnt about patterns and created our own repeating patterns and have started to develop an understanding of the composition of numbers 11-20 using ten frames and counters. 
    We reflected on Eid, some of the children had the opportunity to talk about how they celebrated, we looked at photos and we decorated Eid Biscuits and the children tried some biscuits that were kindly brought in by a classmate. 

    Next week we will be thinking about the stories The Fish Who Could Wish and The Snail and The Whale. We will be thinking about what we would wish for and completing some non fiction writing  linked to the Snail and The Whale. 
    We will begin to learn how to sew a simple running stitch and we will use this to make our own felt fish. 
    In addition we will be starting a mini sunflower project which will support learning across all areas of the Early Years Curriculum and we are really excited to see where the learning takes us! 

    REQUEST: we love to make and create with boxes, tubes and tubs. If you have recycling at home please bring it in! 

    Have a lovely long weekend, we will see you on Tuesday!