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    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Oceans's weekly reflect and review

    Oceans's weekly reflect and review

    24 March 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    An investigative week in Oceans.

    This week in Oceans we have been working scientifically, investigating states of matter and how solids, liquids and gases change, we've explored lava lamps, diffusion of smells and even melting ice cream! During the mornings we've been learning about Francis Drake and questioning whether he was a pirate or a sailor. The chidren have created their own stories with brilliant beginnings, marvellous middles and fabulous finishes. In Maths we've been thinking about mass and capacity and have been filling our gaps. 

    Next week we'll be thinking the question 'does Easter make sense without Passover'? and exploring the passover story. We'll be visiting the church on Wednesday to celebrate Holy Week. We'll be busy finishing off our mass and capacity unit before the Easter break. 

    School will finish att 11:30 next Friday.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    The Oceans Team