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    3. Cora coral Reef weekly reflective review

    Cora coral Reef weekly reflective review

    24 February 2023 (by Laura Thornton (LauraT))

    The children have settled quickly back into school and have shown that they are ready to learn. This term our topic is Wild Things.

    This week we have been thinking about the brilliant story Where the Wild Things Are. In our drawing club sessions we have been thinking about the characters in this story and drawing some of them my as well as going on some adventures with our drawings.

    We have been looking at maps of different places some imaginative from stories. We talked about the different features we could see on the maps and we created giant maps all together and mini maps of imaginative places which we will reimagine in 3D using clay next week.

    We went to a pen disco and practised making circular marks on paper with pens to music.

    Next week we will be learning how to use clay, how to mould it, join it and make different marks in it and make a 3D maps.

    On Thursday we will be celebrating world book Day please come to school dressed in your comfy pyjamas and bring in your favourite story book. We may not have time to read all of the children's stories on this day so we would like to keep them for a week or so  and place in our gratitude library which we will be creating in our class.

    Have an enjoyable weekend and we will see you again next week