Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Oceans - Years 3 & 4
    3. Ocean's Reflect and Review

    Ocean's Reflect and Review

    6 January 2023 (by Menna (Menna))

    Oceans started the year with the big question - are holy journeys necessary for believers?

    We've spent the week learning about pilgrimages and why pilgrims travel to holy places. The children have explored several holy places around the world thought about the importance of them to believers. How many different pilgrimage sites can your child name? We've learnt about 5 this week, can they remember them all? In Spanish, the children learnt about Día de los Reyes Magos, or Feast of the Three Kings and held a celebration. 

    Next week we'll be starting our new writing topic based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory whilst we learn about rocks in science and investigate the rock cycle using chocolate the following week (any cooking/basic chocolate donations are very welcome!). 

    In maths we'll be revisiting using arrays and bar models to represent repeated addition before moving onto division later in the term. 

    PE will continue on Tuesdays for Indian and Arctic and Wednesdays and Friday for Pacific. 

    Have a lovely weekend!