Joy Courage Justice

    1. News
    2. Whole School
    3. St Frideswide TV- The Nearly Noon Show.

    St Frideswide TV- The Nearly Noon Show.

    5 January 2021 (by Louise Budan (LouiseB))

    Starting from tomorrow, we are going to be launching our very own TV show. Presented by the wonderful Hannah and Ria. Tune in live at 11:30AM to see what is on offer.

    Tomorrow they have asked for you all to dress in your finest crowns to celebrate Epiphany.

    St Frideswide TV is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Nearly Noon with Hannah & Ria
    Time: 11:30 AM London

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 966 0686 6543
    Passcode: (Same passcode you used for your Zoom lesson)