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    2. Coral Reef - FSU
    3. Reception Phonics

    Reception Phonics

    22 September 2020 (by Laura Heppell (Laura))

    Phonics Home Learning

    Today all children in Reception have taken home a small green phonics sound book. Each day in our Phonics lesson the children will be learning a new letter sound and we will date the page in the Sound book. We kindly ask that you support your child to practise forming the letter sound each day after school using the phrase in the book. Children who have practised at home will receive a sticker or stamper in their books. The Sound books must come into school everyday to be checked, marked and dated ready to take home again.
    Today the children learnt 'm' sound and the phrase to say out loud when writing is 'masie, mountain, mountain'
    Many Thanks
    The Coral Reef Team