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    3. Story Time

    Story Time

    29 June 2020 (by Roy Peach (RoyP))

    Come fly with us...

    Story Time has returned this week and our first story is here at 2pm.

    Our story is about a balloon. After you've listened to it, can you think of lots of words that describe balloons? Where might you use balloons? How do they make you feel? Maybe you could write a poem about a balloon and decorate the page with pictures of balloons. I wonder whether you can write a story map for what happened in the book? Or a cartoon strip of what might happen next? If you had a magic balloon where would it take you? Maybe you could write about it or draw a picture. Perhaps even draw a map showing where it has travelled.

    Do you know what balloons are made of? What is inside them when you fill them up? What happens if the string breaks on a balloon? 

    Remember to send any work to your phase lead.