Joy Courage Justice

  1. Mission, Virtues & Values
  2. Joy


Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.- St Marie Teresa 


Joy is a quality of being rather than just an emotion and so although it is related to being happy, it is more fundamental and can be sustained when happiness is (hopefully temporarily) diminished. Joy also comes from participating in God’s ministry in the world and seeing lives being positively changed and relationships enhanced. Joy should mark the life of the our community and all relationships between us as  we  live and work together . It is important too that joy be a feature of the life of the wider community. Although it will never be the subject of legislation, joy is an essential social value.

Joy is the expression of inner happiness and contentment. At school we believe that children and adults achieve most through praise and encouragement. We choose to be positive and encourage children to be content so that they will be a source of joy to others.

At school we take every opportunity to celebrate success with:


- House Points

- Sparkle Gathering

- Golden Goggles

- Praise postcards

- Stickers and individual class reward systems.

- Golden Time 

Kindness at home

Healthy Habits: Well rested, well fed, and active children are more joyful. Help your children establish healthy bedtime routines so they get plenty of sleep. Encourage them to eat healthily and teach them to take care of themselves.

Joy is a Habit of the Heart: Joy is a choice. Make it easier for your children to choose it by teaching them to ensure that they share joy and include others.

Just Smile: As always, set the example for your children. Remember to smile. Singing, reading and playing games together are great ways to bring joy to your home.


Dance: As if no one is looking! Dance can make children feel free and is a great opportunity for them to express themselves.