Joy Courage Justice

  1. Families
  2. Closure


Covid - Should you or your child need to quarantine then parents should support their child in continuing their learning, using the resources on our Learn platform.  Please email your phase at the end of each day to update them on what you have done.

In the event of closure after snow overnight:

The school will attempt to inform parents via our mobile app, endeavouring to do so before 7.30 if possible.  We will always endeavour to remain open, even when the weather is poor. 


Parents can also check the Oxfordshire County Council website using the following link:


If we have snow overnight and decide to keep the school open then every effort should be made to get your child/children into school.  In this event, please send the children with a change of warm clothes and full outdoor clothing. 


In the event of heavy snow during the day:

This would need to be very severe weather.  We will aim to stay open until the normal time, however, we would allow parents to pick up from school following a text message from us, signing their child out from the KS2 door (school entrance), KS1, Pod & Reception doors earlier in the day if this proved more convenient and safer. 


To make parents aware of closure during the day we would:

- Use our mobile app.

- Answer the telephone in the office and leave a message on answer machines.