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    3. The Pod reflect and review

    The Pod reflect and review

    27 April 2024 (by Sarah Colverson-Martin (Sarah))

    Another busy week in the Pod looking at the topic of 'Go Wild'

    This week the children have been exploring the different zoo animals in swamps, woodlands and ponds with frogs spawn made form Chi seeds. A lot of Chi seeds were consumed.

    We have continued to read the book Dear Zoo which is now becoming very familiar to the children that they are able to the predict the next animal that the Zoo sent and join in with the repeated refrains. 

    On Monday we celebrated Earth day, we made our own Earths using paper plates and tissue paper. We talked about our planet and the animals that live on it. We then made bird feeders using cheerio's and pipe cleaners, we then hung these in the willow in the garden for the birds. The children helped with some weeding and tidying of the garden and next week we are hoping to plant some seeds.

    We were lucky enough to see some sun and went and played parachute games in the garden, this building on our physical development, hand and eye coordination and social skills. 

    We hope you all have a restful weekend and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.

    We may have a visitor coming to tea, I wounder if you can guess which wild animal maybe visiting?